Can Stress and Anxiety make Tinnitus worse?

Anxiety can worsen tinnitus symptoms, and this article explores the connection between anxiety and tinnitus, the impact on quality of life, treatment options, coping strategies, and the importance of managing anxiety for overall well-being.

a woman with tinnitus


Tinnitus, characterized by the perception of noise or ringing in the ears without an external sound source, affects approximately 15% of the general population in the United States. The prevalence of anxiety disorders in the US, impacting around 18% of adults, highlights the significance of mental health conditions. Anxiety has been identified as a factor that can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms, leading to a challenging cycle of discomfort for individuals experiencing both conditions. For example, consider a scenario where a person with underlying anxiety issues starts to notice an increase in the intensity of their tinnitus after a particularly stressful week at work.

Understanding the connection between anxiety and tinnitus is crucial in addressing the impact of mental health on auditory perceptions. Studies have shown that stress and anxiety can trigger or worsen tinnitus symptoms, creating additional challenges for individuals. Moreover, studies have shown that individuals with anxiety disorders are more likely to experience tinnitus symptoms, emphasizing the intricate relationship between these conditions. Research also indicates that individuals with anxiety-related tinnitus may experience a variety of sounds such as ringing, buzzing, or humming, each varying in intensity and frequency. This variability in tinnitus sounds can significantly affect an individual's daily life, leading to disruptions in sleep patterns and overall functioning. By exploring the intricate relationship between anxiety and tinnitus, individuals can better comprehend the interplay between mental well-being and auditory sensations.

Moreover, anxiety-induced tinnitus may evoke heightened feelings of fear and dread, further complicating the emotional experiences of individuals dealing with both an anxiety disorder and tinnitus. Consider a situation where an individual undergoing a high-stress period reports a noticeable increase in the loudness and frequency of their tinnitus episodes, showcasing the direct correlation between anxiety levels and tinnitus severity.

Anxiety itself does not directly cause hearing loss. However, anxiety can lead to difficulty with hearing and exacerbate existing hearing conditions. Extended periods of anxiety can impact health, including hearing, by causing symptoms like tinnitus, balance issues, perceived hearing loss, intensified sounds, and dizziness

Impact of Anxiety on Tinnitus Severity

Research insights highlight the substantial association between tinnitus and mental health, underscoring the necessity for psychological interventions to address underlying mood disorders and tinnitus intolerance. Future studies are essential to deepen our understanding of the relationship between stress, emotional states, and tinnitus, paving the way for more effective treatment strategies that consider the holistic well-being of individuals. Insights from research studies emphasize the importance of addressing anxiety and stress in managing chronic tinnitus conditions, stressing the need for comprehensive approaches to care. Recent findings suggest a strong correlation between anxiety-induced tinnitus, sleep disturbances, and the necessity for comprehensive treatment approaches to enhance overall quality of life.

Stress levels have a direct impact on the severity of tinnitus symptoms, emphasizing the need for effective stress management strategies for individuals with anxiety-related tinnitus. Anxiety-induced tinnitus can lead to heightened feelings of fear and dread, further complicating the emotional experiences of those managing both conditions. Chronic stress exposure has been identified as a significant factor in the development and worsening of tinnitus, indicating the importance of stress reduction techniques in managing tinnitus severity. Additionally, anxiety can trigger tinnitus by stimulating the autonomic nervous system and affecting blood flow to the inner ear, potentially intensifying the perception of ringing or buzzing sounds. This physiological response to anxiety underscores the intricate connection between mental health and auditory function, highlighting the need for tailored treatment plans that address both aspects effectively.

Connection Between Stress and Tinnitus

Tinnitus can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety, creating challenges for individuals dealing with both conditions. Individuals exposed to high stress or anxiety levels may find themselves caught in a vicious cycle of stress-triggered tinnitus, impacting their overall well-being and quality of life. Soldiers returning from combat, experiencing tinnitus due to loud noises, have sought relief through sound therapy and meditation, showcasing the importance of holistic approaches in managing stress-related tinnitus. Managing stress is crucial in alleviating tinnitus symptoms, improving quality of life, and reducing the negative impacts of anxiety-induced tinnitus on daily functioning. By addressing stress triggers and implementing stress-reducing techniques, individuals can better manage the effects of anxiety-related tinnitus on their mental and physical health, promoting overall well-being.

Stress can exacerbate tinnitus by affecting nerves and increasing blood flow to the ears, contributing to a cycle of stress-triggered tinnitus that impacts individuals' daily lives. Recognizing symptoms of stress, such as a fast heartbeat, lack of sleep, sweating, and loss of appetite, can help individuals better understand the relationship between stress and tinnitus. Seeking help from healthcare professionals, joining support groups, using relaxation apps, and practicing mindfulness can be effective strategies for managing stress and tinnitus symptoms. Engaging in activities like listening to soft music and daily exercise can also aid in reducing stress levels and providing relief from tinnitus discomfort. By incorporating stress-reducing activities into their daily routines, individuals can take proactive steps towards improving their emotional well-being and enhancing their quality of life.

Treatment Options for Anxiety-Induced Tinnitus

Common treatments for anxiety-related tinnitus encompass counseling, sound generators, and lifestyle modifications to address the multifaceted nature of this condition. Tinnitus retraining therapy, which combines cognitive behavioral therapy and sound masking, offers individuals a comprehensive approach to adapting to tinnitus and reducing associated distress. Psychological and pharmacological interventions are recommended for managing tinnitus and associated stress, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to treatment. Additionally, hearing aids can improve overall sound perception and reduce anxiety triggers in individuals with anxiety-related tinnitus, enhancing their auditory experiences and quality of life. Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques can aid in reshaping negative thought patterns associated with anxiety-induced tinnitus, promoting a healthier mindset and reduced distress.

Effective management of anxiety-related tinnitus involves a combination of psychological interventions, lifestyle modifications, and tailored therapies to address the complex nature of this condition.

In addition to traditional treatments, emerging modalities such as digital therapy apps like Resony Anxiety offer innovative approaches to managing anxiety and tinnitus concurrently. Resony Anxiety provides a structured 6-week program with exercises like resonant breathing and muscle relaxation to alleviate anxiety and stress, offering individuals effective tools for managing anxiety-related tinnitus. Integrative treatment plans that combine psychological interventions with sound therapy and relaxation techniques can provide holistic support for individuals with anxiety-induced tinnitus.

Impact on Quality of Life

Anxiety-related tinnitus can significantly impact daily life by causing sleep problems and reduced productivity. Tinnitus patients with an underlying anxiety disorder may find themselves experiencing greater distress and a decreased tolerance for tinnitus sounds, impacting their emotional health and quality of life. The negative implications of anxiety-related tinnitus underscore the importance of addressing mental health alongside auditory symptoms to provide comprehensive care for individuals dealing with both conditions. By focusing on lifestyle adjustments, stress management techniques, and seeking professional guidance, individuals can navigate the challenges posed by anxiety-induced tinnitus and improve their overall well-being and satisfaction with life. The impact of anxiety-related tinnitus on daily living emphasizes the need for tailored strategies, coping mechanisms, and support systems to address the multifaceted nature of this condition effectively.

Coping Strategies and Lifestyle Changes

Joining support groups, using relaxation apps, and practicing mindfulness can be effective strategies for managing stress and anxiety, providing individuals with tools to cope with the challenges posed by anxiety-related tinnitus. Listening to soft music and engaging in daily exercise are additional methods that individuals can incorporate into their routines to alleviate stress levels and reduce the impact of tinnitus symptoms on their daily lives. Incorporating stress-reducing activities into daily schedules can contribute to better emotional well-being, enhancing individuals' ability to manage anxiety-related tinnitus and improve their overall quality of life. 

Resony Anxiety's gratitude self-care journal can aid individuals in developing a positive mindset, reducing anxiety levels, and promoting emotional resilience in the face of anxiety-induced tinnitus. Engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking or yoga, can promote relaxation, reduce stress levels, and potentially alleviate anxiety-induced tinnitus symptoms. Mindfulness practices like meditation can help individuals cope with anxiety-related tinnitus by fostering a sense of calm and promoting emotional regulation. Resony Anxiety's guided exercises aim to enhance self-awareness, emotional regulation, and stress management, providing individuals with valuable tools to manage anxiety-induced tinnitus effectively.

Impact of Anxiety on Physical Health

Chronic stress and anxiety can affect blood flow and neural pathways, potentially exacerbating tinnitus symptoms and impacting physical health. High stress levels may contribute to conditions like high blood pressure, further influencing the severity of tinnitus and overall health. Anxiety-related tinnitus can have negative implications on the auditory system, including hair cells and hearing function, underlining the importance of managing anxiety for both mental and physical well-being. Managing anxiety is crucial not only for mental health but also for physical well-being, especially in individuals dealing with tinnitus and related conditions. Stress-induced tinnitus can lead to changes in blood pressure and heart rate, influencing overall health and potentially exacerbating existing medical conditions. Pulsatile tinnitus associated with anxiety may be linked to fluctuations in blood flow, necessitating medical evaluation and appropriate management strategies. The body's stress response to anxiety-induced tinnitus can impact various physiological functions, potentially exacerbating health conditions and requiring holistic approaches to care.


In conclusion, anxiety can significantly impact tinnitus severity, highlighting the complex interplay between mental health and auditory symptoms. Individuals dealing with anxiety-related tinnitus are encouraged to explore innovative solutions like Resony Anxiety, a digital therapy app offering effective tools for managing anxiety and stress. By addressing anxiety and stress alongside tinnitus symptoms, individuals can enhance their quality of life and well-being. Explore Resony Anxiety for more information on how digital therapy tools can aid in coping with anxiety-related tinnitus.

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